Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Desolation Sound - Day 11 at Laura Cove

Today was very much like yesterday. Fortunately, we had a little breeze today which helped tremendously.  Al  started out our day with a treat of warm cinnamon coffee cake. Food is definitely a focal point on this cruise!

It was another perfect day for kayaking and Sue spent some time running her sailboat. Larry played chase boat when the sailboat got too close to the rocks. Bob discovered the rudder had quit working and was able to get it going again and steering  properly for Sue. She is doing a great job with her sailboat and is looking forward to the big EYC race on Labor Day.   Bob, Sue and I also kayaked over to a small island that had a geocache hidden but the tide was low enough that we couldn’t find a safe way to climb to the top where the trees were and we assume the cache was hidden. We looked at it from all angles and decided it was not worth risking an injury when we are so far from any medical care. I’m not even sure at high tide how accessible the cache would be. We’ll take a look again someday when we return to Laura Cove.

This evening we watched a big, 60’ Ocean Alexander pull into the bay. It overshadowed every boat in the bay but they tucked themselves in nicely with a stern tie and provided nice shade for the boat next to them. It was another beautiful evening as we sat and visited and said our goodbyes to Larry and Cheryl. They will leave in the morning to head northwest  to Campbell River.

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