Sunday, August 2, 2015

Splash 2015 - Day 11 at Victoria

Today is our last full day in Victoria. We decided it would be a good day to sit and read books but it seems the day fills up and we still didn't get much time to do that. We took a couple of short walks, visited with people, and watched the Ferry Ballet that the ferry captains perform each weekend during July and August.

This afternoon the barge was moved in to place that the orchestra will perform from. They had a music group, The Midnights, perform and then preparations were made for the big event - the Victoria Symphony Splash.  As music played people were dancing in the streets and filling up all the lawn in front of The Empress and the parliament building.

We gathered on  Larry & Cheryl's boat for dinner and then to listen to the symphony and watch the fireworks. Tonight Eric & Peggy Peterson and Dick & Donna Robinson joined us. As always, we had great food and Larry was particularly taken with Sue's 5 Cup Salad!

The Canadian Scottish Regiment Pipe and Drum Band marched through the streets and at the end of the evening, they performed Amazing Grace with the symphony. It was absolutely beautiful!

Following the concert, there was a short display of fireworks to end the evening. We had a wonderful time and then had to say goodbye to Cheryl & Larry as they head off on their own for another week. We will be leaving in the morning to head home and our route depends on the winds since the forecast is for pretty strong gusts. We are assuming we will have to skip Port Townsend so we can make our way home through the islands where we will be more sheltered. The weather changes so fast, though, we can never be sure until we are ready to head out.

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