Sunday, June 28, 2015

Port Townsend with Cohen

We missed going on the Edmonds Yacht Club cruise to Port Townsend so we decided it would be a great marina to take Cohen to for his "grandma and grandpa time". We had a great trip  on our way there and Cohen passed the time by helping Grandpa navigate, reading books and taking a little quiet time.

Once we arrived in Port Townsend we took Barkley for a much needed walk and Cohen had a chance to throw rocks in the water.

We brought along some fun Lego kits for Cohen so while we relaxed on the boat, he played with those and enjoyed having Grandpa work along side him. Another favorite activity on the boat (when it is not moving!) is to play monkey by swinging on the stairs.

I had talked to Robyn about taking Cohen geocaching and she said if I called it "treasure hunting" he would be all over it. I told him what we were going to do and he immediately wanted to draw a map and wondered where the shovels were. I tried to explain a GPS and that we would be looking for a little container with trinkets in it. We set off toward the other side of town and soon came across a couple places that I had previously found caches and I knew they were big enough to have "treasures" in them. Cohen looked around, confused, and said "I don't see any "X's"!   We started searching and found our treasures. He was very excited! We actually found a second one but I didn't get a picture of the cache. Instead, I took a picture of the "Officer and A Gentleman" poster and door sign. This is the motel that was used in a scene from that movie. A cache was hidden just adjacent to the door with full approval from the management.

In the afternoon, we walked up to the Farmer's Market that is a popular event in Port Townsend. We didn't buy anything but Cohen had a chance to play on the community playground on our way back to the marina.

We had a wonderful weekend with Cohen and he had a a great time collecting a large bag of shells on the beach. He wanted me to keep them but I suggested that maybe Mommy would like to have them. He thought that was a great idea and took them home. A few days later, he presented me with a picture frame that Robyn helped him make. Those "precious" broken shells were now mine, after all!

Cohen also drew me a picture of the two of us geocaching. I do believe I have a new Geocaching buddy!

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