Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Roche Harbor - Day 3

Another beautiful day in Roche Harbor. We are so glad we decided to stay an extra day so that we could enjoy the many things there are to do. We went out on a three hour kayaking tour which was lots of fun. We ended up being the only ones at that time slot so we had lots of time to get to know our guide and were able to go a little further than a group would normally go in the three hours. I now understand why people enjoy kayaking so much. We were able to see animals and sea life up close and from a different viewpoint than ever before.

Along the way we saw a fox that looked like he had seen better days. I'm not sure what was wrong but he was not well. On the rocks under a cliff we saw several seals sunning themselves. An interesting fact we learned from our guide is that the seals turn white as they warm themselves and then when they turn over you can see the black that is not yet warm. She said she has seen distinct lines down their backs dividing the warm from the cold sides of their bodies.  We had a great time on the tour and have decided that we really need to get kayaks for our boat before next summer. Kayaking is the perfect way to really explore the places that we are cruising to. There are endless coves and shorelines to explore in the San Juans and this is a great way to do it.
This afternoon we relaxed on the boat and then did some more hiking to find two more geocaches. Just as we were preparing dinner we noticed a boat at the end of the dock that was decorated for a wedding. As we watched, a bride and her escort walked the length of the dock to the boat and then boarded for the ceremony. Just another fun thing to experience while out on our boat.

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