This weekend was the annual EYC cruise to Bremerton. It is always a fun weekend but this year was even better! We were able to take Rylie, our three year old granddaughter, with us and she did great! Our ride over was very rough but Rylie thought it was a lot of fun and laughed through much of it. As she began to get tired she laid down on my lap and was lulled to sleep by the motion.
We spent our day with the usual Memorial Day activities that are held annually in Bremerton. We walked up to the car show in town and checked out the many classic cars that we remember from our younger days and those American Graffiti-type movies. I had a chance to look over the turquoise 1957 Belair that I want every time I see it. I don't know what I would do with it but I love it! Then we took Rylie to explore the fountains at the marina which she thought were a lot of fun!

One of the nice additions this year was the mooring of the M/V Kirkland. It used to be located on Lake Washington as one of the Argosy boats for tours. We actually were on it to celebrate Tom and Deb's 25th anniversary party years ago. Now, the owner of the boat has it moored for at least two years in Bremerton and hopes to make it available to local yacht clubs for their events. It was wonderful to have a warm and dry place where we could gather for socializing, prepare and enjoy eating our meals, and not have to worry about the weather outside.

Bob started a new activity for the club and it has generated a lot of interest. About a dozen club members have purchased r/c sailboats that they are learning to sail and then Bob is going to hold a competition at the Labor Day cruise at Port Ludlow for them. The members gathered on the ferry for last minute help and instructions from Bob so they could finish assembling their boats. The boats were then carried around to the opposite dock and launched. The "captains" of their boats practiced running them around the marina. It was supposed to be a practice race but the current is so strong in the marina most had difficulty bringing their boat to the finish line. They all had a great time, though, and we are still getting requests from other club members to order them one, also.
Alley joined us on Saturday and Rylie was very excited to see her.
Each year at the Memorial Day cruise, there is a very poignant time of remembering those who fought for our country and who are no longer with us. All club members who served in the armed forces were asked to come forward so we could acknowledge them. Then, bouquets of carnations were set out so we could take one or more to throw into the water in memory of someone or just to keep in honor of those who served. It is always a very moving experience and this year was no exception.

Ingrid Bruner reinstated a club activity that hasn't been done in a long time. We now have horse racing and it was a great way to involve all ages. Each team was given a stick with a stuffed sock at one end. That was their horse and they were to decorate it using craft items that were supplied or items they could gather together. A grid was taped out on the floor and horses advanced, trading places, or were sent back to start based on a card that was drawn from a bag. It was a lot of fun for those participating as well as for the rest of us who watched and cheered on their favorite horse.

Alley and Rylie left Sunday afternoon and we left Monday morning. Even though the weather was not very nice, we still had a wonderful time and great fellowship with friends from the club. We are so glad for these EYC cruises because they really help us to get out on the boat. Life seems to fill up the weekends and unless the event is on the calendar, we somehow don't find time to go boating. EYC is known as the cruising club of the Grand 14 in Puget Sound. Many of the clubs do not have very many cruises or, if they do, they get very low participation. It is not unusual for us to have 40 boats on these cruises so you always know you are in for a great time.